Yudistira HD Bus Livery

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41. Haryanto 007 Vanttagio Gorden

PO Haryanto Haryanto is one of the best bus companies (PO) in Java.

The service quality of this transportation mode provider from Kudus, Central Java is evidenced by the achievement of an award from the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation for the non-economic AKAP Bus category in 2019.

Haryanto was pioneered in 2002 by H. Haryanto. Haryanto started its operations with an initial capital of six buses serving the Cimone – Cikarang route.

Due to lack of interest, Haryanto opened new routes, namely Jakarta – Kudus, Jakarta – Pati, and Jakarta – Jepara. Since then, the routes served have continued to expand to cover various areas in Java and Madura.

In addition, Haryanto also serves route tickets to Sumatra, in collaboration with NPM otobuses company, which is one of the bus companies in Sumatera island.

Livery Bussid Haryanto 009 Sadewa

42. Haryanto 007 Vanttagio

Haryanto 014 Arjuna v2

43. Haryanto 009 Sadewa

Livery Haryanto 014 Arjuna

44. Haryanto 014 Arjuna v2

Haryanto 022

45. Haryanto 014 Arjuna

Haryanto 136 Kanjeng Guru Gorden

46. Haryanto 022

Haryanto 136 Kanjeng Guru

47. Haryanto 136 Kanjeng Guru Gorden

Livery Yudistira HD Haryanto 202 Al Zahwa

48. Haryanto 136 Kanjeng Guru

Haryanto 26 Hanoman

49. Haryanto 202 Al Zahwa

Haryanto 93 New Tattoo

50. Haryanto 26 Hanoman

Haryanto 007 Vanttagio Gorden

51. Haryanto 93 New Tattoo

Haryanto 007 Vanttagio

52. Hasyim Asyari

Hasyim Asyari

53. HUT RI 76 Polos

Livery HUT RI Polos

54. HUT RI 76

Livery Bussid HUT RI

55. Ivan Motor

Ivan Motor

56. Jackal Holidays

Jackal Holidays

57. Jaya Reog

PO Jaya is a bus company from Ponorogo, East Java. This Jaya bus has two types of fleets, namely Jaya 1 which is yellow and Jaya 2 which is white.

The hallmark of the Jaya Kuning bus can be seen on the head, which always has green, white, red colors which at first glance resemble the Italian flag.

Then on both the left and right sides there are chess sticker patterns.

Jaya Reog

58. Koswara Trans

Koswara Trans

59. Lestari Muda

Lestari Muda

60. Maju Lancar V2

Maju Lancar is the pride of the people of Gunung Kidul, PO Maju Lancar has been established since 1986 by H. Sutrisno and Hj. Sri Hartati.

PO Maju Lancar is a passenger and freight transportation service company headquartered in Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta.

Currently, Maju Lancar buses have 64 units of fleet operating, and Maju Lancar buses serve a variety of new routes such as Wonosari-Palembang and Wonosari-Bandung.

The Maju Lancar bus schedule also serves Yogyakarta trips to Jakarta, Bekasi, Bogor, and finally the Maju Lancar bus to Tangerang.

Maju Lancar V2

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