Yudistira HD Bus Livery

Download Yudistira HD Bus Livery [117 Files] For FREE!

61. Maju Terus

Maju Terus

62. Makmur

Bus Makmur is the brother of Bus Halmahera which is a PO Bus from Medan. Both of them serve land transportation trips.

The Makmur Medan bus travels from North Sumatra, to be precise from Medan to several provinces on the island of Sumatra itself.

Makmur buses use engines from Mercedes Benz O500R or OH 1836 which are now also used by many other bus fleets in Indonesia.

The product is indeed very stubborn and durable because it is included in the latest product category.

Each car body is competing to show its best work compared to the Mercedes Benz OH 1836 chassis, such as the Adi Putro Malang body.


63. Malika Wisata

Malika Wisata

64. Manattan


65. Manggala Trans Biru

Manggala Trans Biru

66. Marissa Holiday Gorden

Marissa Holiday Gorden

67. Marissa Holiday

Livery Marissa Holiday Yudistira HD

68. Mata Trans

Mata Trans

69. Merdeka


70. Muji Jaya

PO Muji Jaya was present as the first bus company in Jepara on August 5, 1991. With the MD code taken from the name of its founder, H. Murdi, Muji Jaya Bus started its operations by serving the Jepara–Jakarta route.

Now, Muji Jaya’s services have been expanded to cover Greater Jakarta, Central Java and Bali, making it one of the best choices for intercity and interprovincial travel.

The Muji Jaya bus comes in the VIP Executive class with 32 seats configured 2-2 from Hai Rimba Kencana. The PO Muji Jaya fleet uses reliable Mercedes and Hino RK engines.

Muji Jaya has also released 3 units of Adiputro body buses which are planned to be operated as AKAP Muriaan buses (buses operating in the Gunung Muria area) with the Jakarta–Jepara route.

The routes that passengers are most interested in for the Muji Jaya Bus are:

  1. Semarang – Tangerang
  2. Karawang – Pati
  3. Bekasi – Kudus
  4. Tangerang – Kudus
  5. Bogor – Pati
Muji Jaya

71. Murni Jaya Discovery

Murni Jaya Discovery By Sandhi Irmawan

72. New Damri SR1

New Damri SR1

73. New Damri

New Damri

74. New Shantika Elegance

New Shantika Elegance

75. New Shantika Elegant

New Shantika Elegant

76. NPM V2

Do you know which bus company (PO) is the oldest in Indonesia? The answer is Naikilah Perusahaan Minang or better known by the abbreviation name NPM.

This transportation service company was founded since the Dutch colonial era in 1937 by Bahauddin Sutan Barbangso Nan Kuniang. The beginning of his business was from a bendi or gig.

However, along with the times when automotive companies entered Indonesia, Bahauddin founded the bus transportation company NPM with his colleagues.

The family company based in Padang Panjang City, West Sumatra is now managed by the third generation under the management of Angga Vircansa Chairul.

In the early days, PO NPM only served a few routes within the province of West Sumatra. Several decades later it developed by opening routes to various cities on the island of Sumatra.

In the 1980s, PO NPM began to travel to the island of Java. From West Sumatra, PO NPM started departures to various majors on the island of Java from several cities, such as Padang, Bukittinggi, Pariaman, Payakumbuh, and others.

At its peak, in the 1900s to early 2000 the PO NPM route network stretched from Medan, Pekanbaru, Dumai, Jambi, Bengkulu, Palembang, and Bandar Lampung on the island of Sumatra, to Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Bekasi, and Bandung in Java Island.

NPM also serves the main route in West Sumatra, namely Padang – Bukit Tinggi.

Entering the 2000s, all bus POs faced a big challenge. The decline in long-distance bus passenger transportation is due to various factors, such as cheap airline tickets, the ease of getting a private car through credit, and the rise of travel companies that use small cars. This causes many large bus fleets such as PO NPM to be unemployed and cause losses.

In early 2020, PO NPM in collaboration with PO Haryanto and PO Sumber Alam facilitated passengers who would go to Central Java, Yogyakarta and East Java via a ticket.

PO NPM passengers from Sumatra island heading to northern Central Java and East Java will later be transferred to PO Haryanto bus, while passengers heading to Yogyakarta and southern Central Java will be transferred to PO Sumber Alam and vice versa.

NPM V2 Yudistira HD

77. Nuasa Ilham

Nuasa Ilham

78. Nusantara


79. Pandawa 87

Pandawa 87 is one of the Autobus Companies that has been engaged in public transportation for a long time.

Previously, Pandawa 87 only served tourist trips, but since July 2021 they have begun to expand into the AKAP bus segment with the Jakarta-Surabaya-Banyuwangi route.

PO Pandawa 87 opens an AKAP bus line with the Super Executive class or Sleeper Bus and there is also an Executive class.

For its first route, PO Pandawa opened the Poris-Banyuwangi route and also the Jakarta-Banyuwangi route.

A total of 6 bus units have been prepared to serve the Jakarta-Banyuwangi route with various classes including Super Executive or Sleeper Bus and there is also an Executive class.

Then for this September, Pandawa 87 again opened a new route with Executive class buses. There are five fleets that have been prepared for this new line.

To distinguish it, Padawa 87 uses a series namely Series C, Series E1, Series E2, Series D1, and Series D2. All bus fleets will pass the Trans Java toll road.

Pandawa 87

80. Pebepe Arnius

Pebepe Arnius

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